$395.00 USD

Laura Robb - The Puzzle Of Painting

  • "The Puzzle of Painting" Online Self-Study Course - 365 Days of Access
  • Course available to you anytime for 1 Year. Watch from your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone as long as your device is connected to the internet, you’re all set!
  • Self-Study allows you to participate on your schedule and at your pace.
  • You'll have immediate access to the full course at once. You can start putting brush to canvas as soon as you enroll.
  • You access the course on our secure website with a login and password. You don't have to take up space on your computer.
  • Plenty of time for you to slow down & have fun with the process for a YEAR.
  • There are 16+ hours of valuable course instructional videos within 4 core modules along with suggested assignments for you to practice what you've learned.
  • Gain access to 30+ additional videos that Laura added monthly over several years of teaching
  • Plus, you will receive a front-row seat to watch Laura’s video feedback critiques called "Office Hours" that we’re giving to her alumni students over the years she was mentoring
  • A photo package of Laura's own hand-selected still life images to use as you wish
  • Please note* Laura’s The Puzzle of Painting Self-Study course is designed with video demonstrations & lessons on still life paintings in oils. However, Laura’s focus is to teach you the basic fundamentals; drawing, composition, values and use of color. Laura is a diverse artist and believes if you understand these elements you can apply them to any subject (figures, portraits, landscapes, etc.) and easily to your choice of medium (acrylics, gouache & pastels)

Let's get you enrolled!
We look forward to seeing you inside!

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